Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Aromatherapy Benefits- Scented Candles and Essential Oils

Aromatherapy has many advantages. This is the most common form of treatment today in regards to the well-being, and stress-relief. There are many health benefits from the aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is the science of natural scents .The most common use of aromatherapy is with essential oils. 
Some people like to put the essential oils into diffusers, which fill the room with scent or they use aromatherapy candles, which have the same effect, but they also create a feeling of romance, warmth and internal peace. 
It has been proved that some scents offer incredible benefits to the aromatherapy. Some of the most popular today are lavender, ylang-ylang , sandalwood oils and more.
There is a common misconception among people that fragrance oils should be used for aromatherapy. The oils used for aromatherapy are called essential oils. The same with the candles- it is not right to use fragrance scented candles for aromatherapy, because it will not have the desired effect. There are special aromatherapy scented candles which you need to use for aromatherapy purposes.
Aromatherapy candles can be used to provide the same benefits as essential oils. However, you need to be careful wit the candles, because some of them release toxins into the air, when burned. That`s why if you have respiratory problems, you do not have to inhale the smoke, no matter how nice it smells. You have to be very careful with everything you inhale, or you rub into your skin, because you might be allergic to some of the oils.
Some of the candles (especially cheap ones) might contain some toxic substances. That`s why when buying candles, make sure they are natural and of high-quality.
One of the major benefits of aromatherapy is that it reliefs health problems, such as stress. Although stress sounds like something normal to you, it could be very harmful for your body. It is not rare when people get sick, just because of high stress levels. Aromatherapy is very efficient in making your body and mind relaxed and stress-free.
This treatment method is used also to boost your energy levels and power up your immune system.
Migraine headaches could be relieved with certain scents. Some medical researches show also that aromatherapy could help with indigestion, arthritis and menstrual cramps.
The most popular way of using aromatherapy is through aroma therapeutic massages with essential oils. Professional aroma therapists say that aromatherapy has the greatest effects when the essential oils enter the body through the skin. The most commonly used essential oils are grape seed, sweet almond and apricot oils.

Aromatherapy is a popular method for treating diseases, because it is not invasive and you do not need to take pills, which might be harmful to your body. With aromatherapy you treat stress, headaches, indigestions, eating disorders, insomnia and much more by the use of specific essential oils, which could be inhaled or entered through the skin, without any side effects.
If you find yourself experiencing such symptoms and you do not want to take medications, you should definitely consider aromatherapy and the use of essential oils and aromatherapy scented candles.